logomachy--1. A dispute
about words. 2. A dispute carried on in words only; a battle of words.
logomachon--1. One who argues about words.
2. A word warrior.
Heavenly Father, we thank You for all Your blessings this year, for our successes and for the strength to bear up under adversities.
We thank You for our family, for our friends, for our community, and for our countrymen. Their service and sacrifice through the centuries have made Your loving promise a reality for us: to them we owe the bounteous comfort and opportunity that we enjoy as Americans.
We particularly thank You and ask Your blessings for those who dedicate their lives to our protection. Send Your Spirit to guide them, strengthen them, and protect them, especially our soldiers far from home today; may this Thanksgiving Day be for them a day of satisfaction and rededication.
We gratefully acknowledge that difficulties and misfortunes are signs of the freedom that You have given Your creation and are invitations to draw closer to You. In the coming year, give us the grace to be agents of Your Providence, as Christ taught us. May we and all men strive to live by the Truth of Your Love.
Merciful and generous Father, we thank you for this life and hope to be with You in the next. Amen.