
Clearing the Fog
in the
War of Words


  logomachy--1. A dispute about words. 2. A dispute carried on in words only; a battle of words.
logomachon--1. One who argues about words. 2. A word warrior.



L'honneur de Bush

I wonder what kind of cheese they make

En 2003, il y eut 208 attentats terroristes dans le monde, il y en avait 348 en 2001, soit une baisse de 41%. Le nombre de victimes était de 625 en 2003, contre 3547 morts en 2001 ; soit une chute de 83%. Les femmes afghanes sont libres et la burka – que nos intellectuels français déploraient tant - est tombée, avec elle deux dictatures parmi les plus sombres de la planète. Et les fosses communes découvertes en Iraq, révélant les cadavres de milliers de victimes du régime saddamite, justifient à elles seules l’intervention occidentale au cœur du Moyen Orient.
The Web is too much. I could fill my hard drive with links to amazing sites.
Any way, thus writes Bruno José Lebeau in "L'honneur de Bush" at Europolitica, a "Political Revue of French Neoconservatives": Those who have been indoctrinated by TV bimbos with the Chirac view of international relations are wrong, he says [loosely translated].

Then he goes on, in the paragraph above, to list some of Dubya's achievements, while French Jacques and Bohemian-American Jean "Self-Made-Up Man" Kerie have agonized over Bush's "risky" course:

Terrorist attacks: 2001-348 vs. 2003-208. Down 40% [Lebeau has trouble with rounding]
Deaths: 2001-3547 vs. 2003-625. Down 82%
Grim dictatorships ended: 2
Misc: Afghan women freed, the burka buried, and mass graves of Saddam's victims uncovered.

"Political Revue of French Neoconservatives", eh. (Who knew?) I wonder how their cheese is. The Canadian Brie from Trader Joe's just isn't doing it for me.


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